Scale Up Your Business with Ease Using AI & Automations

No More Wasted Time or Lost Opportunities – Start Generating More Leads & Sales Today!

Empower Your Business

With AI & Automations

Stop Wasting Time And Start Generating More Leads And Sales On Autopilot

- Even if you don't know where to start! -

The perfect solution for small business owners.

Custom build

Custom build

Our team of developers will work to build custom solutions for your business.

CRM automations

CRM automations

Building smart workflows inside of your CRM driving new business across new leads and existing leads.

AI Agents

AI Agents

Smart AI agents that are built to handle your customer service, lead management and more.

Reputation Management


Never underestimate the power of Google My Business. It helps you generate leads organically and more sales with the power of AI review, AI auto-reply AI bot, and rank your business high.

Missed Call - Text BAck

Power Dialer



Never lose your sales again. Our team is going to build a complete robust missed call text back system with the AI bot. Our AI bot is going to follow up, answer questions, reactivate, and turn them into client.

AI LEad management

AI LEad management

Work your leads like a pro with automated SMS, email, WhatsApp and voice AI agents

Coaching Biz Automation


We're very aware of coaching business because that's how we built our first multi 6-figure online business. We'll custom build your entire coaching business from scratch. High converting funnels, membership site, community, emails, AI chatbot, and booking appointment automations.

Websites & Funnels

Websites & Funnels

Need to build a fresh new website and funnels that converts? Our team is going to build high converting website and funnels with all the automation plugins into your business.

Marketing Consulting

Marketing Consulting

Are you struggling with your marketing strategies and doesn't know where to start? We got your back. We'll go over your problems and give you a clear solution how you can be successful.

Proven performance benefits

Every company has repetitive and time-consuming tasks that hinder growth and innovation. Our mission is to revolutionise your business performance through AI and automation. We've successfully transformed numerous businesses by replacing manual, inefficient processes with intelligent, automated systems.

7 ~ 30 Days

Average build time


Convert more leads


Happy clients


Hours saved

"Hi this is Matt Flynn the owner of NEO Constructs. The BR Solutions did a wonderful job on building and setting up our company website and AI booking bot with CRM automations. I will definitely be recommending more business to the BR Solutions!"


Matt Flynn


Let's See What Others Have to Say...

High-Ticket dropshipping business owner and course creator

Books 13 - 22 appointments per week and generating $25K per month in their new coaching biz in just 4 months after applying the BR Solutions AI automations

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

We understand that when considering our services, you may have specific queries and concerns. That's why we have curated a collection of frequently asked questions.

We understand that when considering our services, you may have specific queries and concerns. That's why we have curated a collection of frequently asked questions.

How will you know what to build for us?

We have a large amount of experience working with our clients within certain systems inside their business, this means we can easily spot opportunities within your business when we start working together.

What kind of solutions do you build?

We build all types of solutions from CRM workflows and automations to comprehensive AI bot agents that can answer customer inquiries and make new sales calls on your behalf.

Will I have a dedicated project manager?

You will be onboarded into a dedicated FB group Chat where you will be allocated multiple team members that you'll be working with throughout your time with BR Solutions. You can easily reach out to the founder of the BR Solutions - Blaine & Ronald anytime.

Can this work for my business?

Of course, every small business owners does not have enough funds or man power to run the business efficiently. That's why we help to build automated system with the AI. It's going to save your time, money and help you make more!

Still got some questions?

Book a free demo call today with BR Solutions.