Let's Automate Your Business


Magnetically Attract Your Ideal Prospects, Convert Them Into Clients And Generate More Repeat Business And Referrals All On Auto Pilot!

CRM & AI Bot Automations

We build customer relationship management system with the power of AI Bot to enhance lead generation, sales process, and customer support without real human agent involvement. This ensures, consistent flow of leads into your business, increase the sales, and help to increase the retention rates.

GMB & Missed Call Text Back

Do not underestimate the power of Google My Business Profile. It help 99% of small business owners generate organic leads and sales. We build a completely optimized profile, manage reviews with AI bot and AI review replies. And manage your reviews to rank in the first page of Google Business. Many small business owners lose their sales on the table due to missed calls from their potential clients. We build a fully automated missed call text back with the power of AI.

Websites & Funnels

We build highly converting website and funnels tailored to your business brands and needs. This is not just a common landing page you see out there. We completely optimized with highly converting sales copies with fully functional automations plugged into your websites and funnels.

Lead Management

The most business owners don't do much with their leads and this is the one of the reason they lose their money on the table. You need to consistently nurture and follow up with your leads to make more and retain more. Plus, activating old leads also important in the business. Statistically, reactivating old lists increase the sales by 25%. The money is in the follow up. We build fully automated lead nurturing and data base reactivation system with the power of AI.

Custom Build

One size doesn't fits all. Many business owners have their own way of operating their businesses. That's why sometimes an AI automation has to be built from scratch and customized to their needs. We have a step by step system where we build custom AI automations based on business owner's needs and operations. We build a complete blueprint of business owner's operations and give a better advice to improvise their marketing and sales strategies. And build it from the scratch.

Marketing Consulting

Looking for some consulting?

Work with BR Solutions to uncover how you could be using AI & Automation to boost your marketing and sales.

Plus, we diagnose your business problems and give you a clear solutions how you can breakthrough.


  • Discovery workshop

  • Deliverable/solution roadmap

  • Solution recommendations