Free Yourself With

AI & Automations

No More Wasted Time or Lost Opportunities – Start Generating More Leads & Sales Today!

How It Works!


1. Onboarding

All new clients are having Zoom session to go over their business operation to make sure we're all in the same page and allocated full-time developers and project manager inside their dedicated FB group chat.


2. Mind-Map (Blueprint)

We Kick off with building blueprint map where we breakdown your business to help us understand what software you use and which automated systems can be applied to maximize benefits.


3. Build & Integration

Once approved our team will build these systems and solutions around your business, training you how they work.


4. Test & Refine

After the system is delivered, we will test and continuously refine it until it's in full potential.


5. Marketing Consultation

we'll meet regularly every week and help you with marketing strategies to boost your business with us. This is not mandatory but many of our clients love this!


6. Follow-Up

Even if our work is done and delivered, we'll continuously monitor your system and follow up with you on regular basis to help you much as we can.

We Got Your Back!

We solve your problems and build a relationship...

At BR Solutions, we believe in using the power of AI automation to solve complex problems and streamline processes for our clients.

We have a team of experts who work tirelessly to understand your unique business needs and tailor our solutions to fit your requirements.

We pride ourselves on building strong and long-lasting relationships with our clients, which is why we offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure our solutions continue to meet your evolving needs.

Our commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction is what sets us apart and drives our success. With BR Solutions, you can trust that your business is in good hands.

"Hi this is Matt Flynn the owner of NEO Constructs. The BR Solutions did a wonderful job on building and setting up our company website and AI booking bot with CRM automations. I will definitely be recommending more business to the BR Solutions!"


Matt Flynn